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Jumat, 10 Oktober 2008

Cirsium arvense

Scientific classification
Kingdom : Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Order : Asterales
Family : Asteraceae
Tribe : Cynareae
Genus : Cirsium
Species : C. arvense

Sumber :

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008


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Oleh admin
Selasa, 29-Juli-2008

Indonesia kaya ragam hayati. Banyak tanaman kita diam-diam bisa menjadi pengobatan bagus. Bahkan kemanjurannya pun sudah dibuktikan nenek moyang kita. Di antaranya, tujuh tanaman diketahui bisa melawan malaria. Apa saja?
Klik untuk melihat foto lainnya...
Di samping obat-obatan medis, ada beberapa tanaman yang bisa membantu melawan malaria. Pengalaman nenek moyang kiranya pantas dilestarikan dan tidak ada salahnya kita coba praktikkan. Nah, beberapa tanaman berikut terbukti mampu mengusir malaria:

Sebutan botaninya adalah Artemisia annua, termasuk suku Asteraceae. Orang Jawa dan Papua sama-sama menyebutnya anuma. Hidupnya di hutan-hutan, atau kadang tumbuh liar di pinggir-pinggir jalan. Belakangan, tanaman anuma dijadikan tanaman hias dalam pot, karena tampilannya memang cukup eksotik.

Daunnya berbentuk oval, lonjong, panjang sekitar 10-18 cm dan lebar 5-15 cm. Ujung runcing, pangkal tumpul, tepi beringgir, dan warna hijau atau ada pula ungu kehijauan. Batangnya tegak, bulat persegi, dan berwarna hijau kecokelatan. Daun atau seluruh bagian tanaman mengandung saponin, flavonoida, polyfenol, dan minyak atsiri.

Kegunaan anuma, selain sebagai obat demam, juga dipakai untuk obat malaria. Sediakan daun anuma segar sebanyak 60 gram, cuci bersih, lalu rebus dalam 400 ml air. Biarkan mendidih selama 10-15 menit. Saring, dan setelah dingin diminum. Lakukan sehari 2 kali pagi dan sore.

Tanaman brotowali (Tinospora crispa) hidupnya merambat. Batangnya berwarna hijau, penuh benjolan, dan banyak mengandung air. Daun berbentuk jantung berwarna hijau muda. Bunga bermahkota 6 berwarna hijau muda. Buah berwarna hijau.Batang brotowali mengandung glikosida pikroretosid, alkaloid berberina, palmatina, zat pahit pikroretin, dan hars. Oleh karena itu, batang brotowali terasa amat pahit, bahkan binatang pun enggan menyentuhnya. Mereka yang belum biasa menikmati brotowali, bisa jadi akan muntah karena pahitnya. Untuk itu, tambahkan gula pada ramuan brotowali.

Dibutuhkan tigaperempat jari batang brotowali segar. Potong batang seperlunya lalu rebus di dalam 4,5 gelas minum air. Biarkan mendidih hingga sisanya tinggal separuh. Air rebusan disaring, tambahkan pemanis gula. Saban hari, penderita malaria dianjurkan menenggak tiga kali, dan masing-masing tigaperempat gelas minum.

Tanaman johar (Cassia siamea) lumayan sering diteliti kemungkinannya sebagai obat malaria. Daunnya mengandung alkaloida bersifat sedikit beracun dan oxymethylanthraquinone. Namun, zat-zat itu masih terus diuji kaitannya dengan pengobatan malaria. Menurut Heyne (1917), sudah sejak lama daun johar dipakai mengobati malaria.

Lazimnya pohon johar ditanam di tepi-tepi jalan sebagai pohon perindang. Tingginya bisa mencapai 15 meter dengan batang berdiameter 40-50 cm. Bunganya berbentuk malai, warna kuning. Kayunya termasuk kuat dan awet.

Untuk menggunakannya dalam pengobatan malaria digunakan tigaperempat genggam daun johar segar. Silakan direbus di dalam 3 gelas air, hingga rebusannya tersisa tigaperempatnya. Saring dan diminum 3 kali sehari, masing-masing tigaperempat gelas.

Tanaman meniran (Phyllanthus niruri) disebut juga dengan nama lokal memeniran, daun-gendong-anak, atau sidukung-anak. Di negeri Cina lebih dikenal dengan sebutan ye xia zhu atau zhen chu cao. Selama ini, meniran masih tumbuh liar di kebun atau hutan. Menyukai tempat-tempat yang tanahnya lembap. Ada juga yang menanamnya untuk pengobatan alami.

Meniran termasuk tumbuhan berbatang basah, tingginya sampai 45 cm, bunganya berseling, tumbuh pada ketiak daun. Buahnya kotak, bentuknya bulat-bulat seperti menir. Daunnya bersirip genap. Daun tersebut mengandung zat-zat seperti filantin, kalium, damar, dan zat samak.Untuk mengobati malaria, siapkan setengah genggam daun meniran, cuci bersih lalu rebus dengan air bersih sebanyak 3 gelas. Biarkan mendidih hingga tinggal tigaperempat bagian. Sesudah dingin, saring lantas minum 3 kali sehari sebanyak tigaperempat gelas. Bila perlu tambahkan sedikit madu.

Resep lainnya, sediakan 7 batang lengkap tanaman meniran, 5 biji bunga cengkeh kering, dan 1 potong kayu manis. Semuanya dicuci bersih, lalu ditumbuk halus dan direbus dengan 2 gelas air bersih sampai mendidih. Saringlah, lalu silakan diminum 2 kali sehari pagi dan sore.

Tanaman pepaya sungguh kaya gizi dan kandungan zat-zat lainnya. Daun pepaya mengandung enzym papain, alkaloid karpaino, psudo-karpaina, glikosid, karposid dan saponin, sakarosa, dekstrosa, dan levulosa. Sedangkan buahnya mengandung karotena, pectin, d-galaktosa, papain, dan sebagainya. Sementara biji pepaya memiliki glucoside, cacirin, dan karpain. Getahnya mengandung papain, kemokapain, lisosim, lipase, glutamin, dan sklotransferase.

Untuk mengobati malaria, ambil daun pepaya agak muda dan masih segar sebanyak setengah gelas minum. Cuci bersih lalu giling sampai halus, tambahkan tigaperempat cangkir air masak dan sedikit garam. Peras, lalu saring dan minum 3 kali sehari.

Sekarang memang sudah cukup sulit menemukan pohon pulai (Alstonia spectabilis), kecuali mereka yang bergerak di bidang bisnis korek api. Kayu pulai dipakai sebagai batang korek api tersebut. Kayu pulai tergolong ringan, tidak keras, dan tak ada galihnya. Pohon pulai bisa tumbuh sangat tinggi dan besar, bisa mencapai 15 meter dengan diameter batang mencapai 60 cm.

Pohon pulai mengandung banyak getah berwarna putih yang sangat pahit. Pada kulit batangnya terdapat kandungan saponin, flavonoida, dan polifenol. Untuk mengatasi malaria, sediakan 3 jari kulit pulai, cuci dan potong-potong seperlunya. Lantas rebus dengan 5 gelas minum air bersih. Biarkan mendidih sampai setengahnya. Sesudah dingin, saring lalu minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing tigaperempat gelas. Jika perlu, boleh ditambah sedikit gula agar tidak terlalu pahit.

Sambiloto (Andrographis paniculata) termasuk tanaman semusim. Ia tumbuh liar di hutan, di ladang, dan di halaman-halaman yang tanahnya agak lembap. Ada yang sengaja menanam sambiloto sebagai tanaman obat-obatan. Berbatang basah, tinggi sampai 80 cm. Daun berbentuk lonjong atau taji, berhadap-hadapan. Bunganya putih atau ungu, dan bergaris-garis dalam payung tambahan.

Tanaman ini mengandung panikulin dan zat-zat pahit (andrografin, andrografoloid). Khusus daunnya mengandung zat minyak terbang, garam-kalium dan natrium, kalmegin, dan hablur kuning (sangat pahit).

Agar malaria segera pergi, siapkan setengah genggam daun sambiloto segar. Cuci bersih lalu rebus dengan 3 gelas air bersih. Tunggu mendidih sampai tinggal seperempat bagian. Setelah dingin, saring dan minum 3 kali sehari masing-masing tigaperempat gelas. (NOVA)

Jumat, 25 Juli 2008

Budayakan tanam Bunga

Menurut penelitian, dengan adanya pepohonan dan taman bunga di sepanjang jalan dapat mengurangi ketegangan anda. Bisa dicoba di halaman rumah anda. Foto diambil HOKI di Jalan Protokol kawasan Sudirman Jakarta
sumber foto.

jadikan bunga sebagai tempat refresing yang utama, maka mari budayakan menanam bunga di sekeliling rumah kita.

Rabu, 16 Juli 2008

flower flower power

cam- nikon FE2 film- My first agfa! loved this! (dont take drugs.) pretty weak but i like the ones at the background i got sick of taking flowers alone so i went to kajiao people the rose of the roses man. because your girlfriend is a sunflower except she has a handphone wee! i got live flowers behind me but i prefer dead ones wrapped nice nice one. this one looks like those pictures in those oral exams right!!! "jiejie the chair morphed into a woman with a big turtle bag ah!?" (my friend says my captions are so not funny.) a picture taken of a picture being taken. (wah chim) her future ambition these are some other shots in the roll. some i never remembered taking at all. but i thought they'd make super great textures! so i thought i'd share. the power of the slr and film never ceases to amaze me. I enjoyed the whole roll!

Selasa, 15 Juli 2008


All of our greenhouses have a combination of the best high quality construction materials and the ultimate in functionality, while providing beauty to your home and garden landscape. And while you are adding a greenhouse as the centerpiece of your backyard paradise, make sure accent it with a garden lighting system, and some beautiful garden decor! We also carry all of the greenhouse accessories you will ever need, including temperature control systems, shelving, timers and more! And if you want to try a different type of indoor gardening, look into hydroponics, which is another fun and exciting way to enjoy indoor.

Mengenal Teras dan Tanaman Hias

JAKARTA – Punya hobi berkebun, tapi merasa masih awam terhadap jenis-jenis tanaman hias? Tak perlu khawatir, kami akan coba membantu Anda menentukan jenis-jenis tanaman yang akan digunakan untuk menghijaukan ruangan. Tak ketinggalan, info seputar teras rumah sebagai media penyaluran hobi berkebun tadi.

Tanaman hias bukan saja cantik dan manis untuk mengisi ruangan. Dengan penempatan yang pas, tanaman hias mampu memberikan elemen penting di sudut rumah. Biasanya dalam wilayah arsitektur sebuah hunian, teras selalu disisakan oleh sang perancang atau pemilik.
Dari banyak literatur, para ahli sepakat bila teras pada sebuah rumah merupakan ruang transisi antara ruang luar dan ruang dalam. Pada rumah, teras bisa berada di depan, di samping maupun di belakang hunian. Tentunya, teras depan memiliki fungsi yang berbeda dengan teras belakang atau pun teras samping.
Dilihat dari tampak rumah, keberadaan teras lebih merupakan bagian dari ruang luar sebuah rumah, sehingga keindahan tampilannya, juga menjadi unsur penentu keindahan penampakan rumah secara keseluruhan. Tatanan yang pas untuk teras akan memberi kenyamanan tidak saja pada sisi luar ruang tetapi juga dari arah ruang dalamnya. Itulah sebabnya, kehadiran teras terasa belum ”pas” tanpa dilengkapi dengan sentuhan taman atau pemandangan hijau di sekitarnya.
Namun sebelum menata taman yang ada di seputar teras rumah, ada baiknya Anda mempertimbangkan dua hal. Pertama, aktivitas yang sering dilakukan pada teras tersebut. Kedua, kondisi fisik teras terutama faktor ketersediaan cahaya matahari.
Teras depan lebih ditekankan pada segi estetis dan lebih ditujukan sebagai area welcome bagi tamu, sedangkan teras belakang atau teras samping lebih bersifat privat dan fungsional karena lebih diarahkan untuk dapat menampung kegiatan keluarga atau sebagai media menyalurkan hobi.
Sebagai gambaran, bisa saja taman di seputar teras depan rumah dibuat dengan komposisi yang padat bergaya tropikal. Caranya, dengan memadukan beragam tanaman dengan tekstur dan warna yang atraktif, disusun dalam komposisi yang bergradasi. Taman teras yang tidak terlalu luas tersebut, selain untuk melengkapi fungsi teras depan juga untuk memperlunak kesan kokoh yang dibuat dari pagar beton yang masif. Keindahan taman teras depan dapat dinikmati dari dua arah, yaitu dari arah luar dan dari arah dalam dengan membuat bukaan pintu.
Dan jangan lupa, selain mempercantik wajah eksterior rumah dan secara fungsional menampung aktivitas keluarga di ruang luar, teras juga bisa berfungsi sebagai media tempat memperagakan beragam koleksi milik keluarga, seperti koleksi tanaman,dan benda seni yang memiliki keistimewaan serta arti tersendiri bagi si pemilik.

Tanaman Hias
Jika urusan teras beres, hal berikut yang perlu diperhatikan adalah masalah tanaman hias. Ada dua kategori tanaman hias, yakni daun dan bunga. Contoh untuk kategori pertama adalah Adiantum atau suplir. Suplir sendiri mempunyai berbagai jenis dan varietas. Meski begitu, suplir yang cukup cantik karena berdaun kecil dan memberi suasana segar itu, agak sulit dipelihara karena membutuhkan lingkungan yang lembab dan udara bersih.
Suplir membutuhkan sedikit cahaya. Karena itu, sebagian tempatnya harus teduh. Jenis tanaman ini juga tidak terlalu banyak membutuhkan air, asal lembab dan tidak basah, tetapi juga tidak kering. Air penyiram sebaiknya air hujan.
Selama musim kemarau, pot perlu dikelilingi dengan mos yang basah - tidak harus dengan air hujan - agar kelembabannya terjaga. Pada awal musim hujan, merupakan musim tumbuh, sebaiknya suplir dipupuk teratur sesudah dipindah ke pot yang lebih sesuai besarnya.
Berikutnya, ada Aglaonema atau dikenal dengan sri rejeki yang mempunyai aneka jenis dan varietas. Tanaman ini berdaun lonjong hijau, dihiasi bintik-bintik, garis, atau ban
berwarna abu-abu keperakan. Sri rejeki ini mudah ditanaman tanpa perawatan intensif, tapi membutuhkan cahaya yang tidak langsung dan lingkungan yang lembab.
Hanya saja, Anda perlu hati-hati bila ruangan terlalu panas dan kering di musim kemarau,
daun Sri Rejeki mudah layu dan harus dibuang. Tanaman ini juga tidak tahan terhadap uap air dari dapur dan asap rokok. Selain itu, daun segar yang sudah tua juga perlu dipangkas.
Tanaman lainnya yang tak kalah cantik adalah Anthurium crystallinum atau kuping gajah. Tanaman ini dipelihara karena keanehan daunnya yang berbentuk jantung dan besar, bila dibandingkan dengan ukuran batangnya. Daun yang lebar ini lalu dianggap menyerupai kuping gajah.
Daun kuping gajah berwarna hijau tua dengan urat-urat hijau muda keputih-putihan. Kuping gajah, banyak dipelihara tunggal di pot antik yang terbuat dari porselen. Meski demikian, kuping gajah ini sebenarnya lebih senang hidup di tempat yang teduh, atau kalau ada cahaya, tidak langsung mengenai dirinya. Kondisi lingkungannya pun harus lembab.
Jika suka dengan tumbuhan paku, pilih saka Asparagus plumosus. Ini tanaman sejenis paku yang lebat daunnya menyerupai jarum halus. Potongan batang yang berdaun, ditambah beberapa bunga, lalu digunakan untuk menghias. Asparagus ini mudah ditanam, asal diberi cahaya matahari tidak langsung. Ia juga butuh lingkungan yang lembab dan tidak kekurangan air.

Tanaman Hias Bunga
Bagi Anda yang tidak begitu menyukai tanaman hias daun, masih ada tanaman hias bunga. Tanaman hias ini, selain daunnya memberi daya tarik tersendiri, bunganya juga amat memikat, misalnya Begonia semperflorens yang merupakan salah satu jenis Begonia bunga. Ia tetap mungil dan berbunga setiap saat sepanjang tahun.
Tanaman yang daunnya bulat, hijau mengkilat ini, memiliki bunga bervariasi, dari putih sampai ke merah merona. Jenis tanaman ini menghendaki udara lembab (biasanya pot dibungkus dengan mos basah), akan tetapi daun-daunnya tidak boleh kena air.
Jenis tanaman hias bunga lainnya yang cantik adalah Saintpaulia ionantha yang juga dikenal dengan African violets dan violltjes. Tanaman yang mungil dengan daun agak berbulu ini biasanya memberi bunga yang indah. Warna bunganya biasanya biru, merah jambu keputih-putihan, atau merah lembayung.
Tanaman ini amat suka ditanam di lingkungan yang lembab dan udara yang tenang tidak berangin. Mungkin karena sifatnya yang agak manja, tanaman ini juga tidak tahan terhadap cahaya matahari langsung, kekeringan, asap rokok dan perubahan suhu yang terlalu sering. Bila menyiram tanaman ini, harus menggunakan air suam-suam kuku, dan usahakan agar tidak sampai memerciki daunnya.
(SH/bayu dwi mardana/berbagai sumber)

Senin, 07 Juli 2008


GloFish® are brilliantly wonderful fish that add color and excitement to any aquarium, whether at home or the office, or in classrooms.

GloFish are similar to other zebrafish, except they have a much brighter disposition. GloFish are available for purchase in three stunningly beautiful colors: Starfire Red™, Electric Green™, and Sunburst Orange™.

Today's GloFish® fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of fluorescent zebrafish that were originally developed several years ago. Each new GloFish® fluorescent fish inherits its unique color directly from its parents, maintains the color throughout its life, and passes the color along to its offspring.

Want to know more about GloFish? Click on a topic to learn more:

The Science of GloFish®

Where do GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish come from?
GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish were originally bred to help detect environmental pollutants. By adding a natural fluorescence gene to the fish, scientists hoped to one day quickly and easily determine when a waterway is contaminated. The first step in developing a pollution-detecting fish was to create fish that would be fluorescent all the time. Scientists soon realized the public's interest in sharing the benefits of this research, a process which lead to GloFish® fluorescent fish.

How common is the use of fluorescent zebrafish in science?
For over a decade, fluorescent zebrafish have been relied upon by scientists worldwide to better understand important questions in genetics, molecular biology, and vertebrate development. Fluorescent zebrafish have been particularly helpful in understanding cellular disease and development, as well as cancer and gene therapy.

Where does the fluorescent color come from?
The fluorescent color in our fish is produced by a fluorescent protein gene, which creates the beautiful fluorescence that can be seen when looking at the fish. The fluorescent protein genes occur naturally, and are derived from marine organisms.

Do you have to add a fluorescence gene to every fish before it hatches?
No. Today's GloFish® fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of fluorescent zebrafish that were originally developed several years ago. Each new GloFish® fluorescent fish inherits its unique color directly from its parents, maintains the color throughout its life, and passes the color along to its offspring.

How exactly do GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish help in the fight against pollution?
To achieve their goal of helping to fight water pollution, scientists are hoping to one day develop a ‘switch’ that will cause always-fluorescing zebrafish to selectively fluoresce in the presence of environmental toxins. A non-fluorescing fish will signal that the water is safe, while a fluorescing fish will signal trouble. To help further the research, a portion of the proceeds from sales of all GloFish® fluorescent fish goes directly to the lab where these fish were created. For more information on this project, please review the article entitled “Zebrafish as Pollution Indicators,” by the National University of Singapore.

What are the differences between fluorescent zebrafish and other zebrafish?
Aside from their brilliant color, fluorescent zebrafish are the same as other zebrafish. This includes everything from general care and temperature preferences to growth rate and life expectancy.

Does the fluorescence harm the fish?
No. The fish are as healthy as other zebrafish in every way. Scientists originally developed them several years ago by adding a natural fluorescence gene to the fish eggs before they hatched. Today's GloFish® fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of these original fish.

Exactly how is the fluorescent protein gene added to the fish?
Every line of GloFish® fluorescent fish (i.e., GloFish® Starfire Red™ Zebra, GloFish® Electric Green™ Zebra, and GloFish® Sunburst Orange™ Zebra) starts with a single fish. The process, illustrated in this chart, begins by adding a fluorescence gene to the fish before it hatches from its egg. Once the gene integrates into the genome (i.e., genetic code) of the embryo, the developing fish will be able to pass the fluorescence gene along to its offspring upon maturity. Because of this, the gene only needs to be added to one embryo; from that point forward, all subsequent fluorescent fish are the result of traditional breeding.

Are you going to create more fluorescent fish?
Scientists all around the world are working with fluorescent fish, whether it's to help protect the environment or come up with new disease-fighting drug therapies. As more fluorescent fish become available, they may be offered for sale to the public.

GloFish® And The Environment

Which federal agencies have reviewed these fish?
We have submitted detailed information regarding our fish to the U.S. Food & Drug Administration, which has jurisdiction over biotech animals, as they consider the added gene to be an “animal drug”. Consistent with the findings of scientists worldwide, the FDA, working in coordination with the United States Department of Agriculture and United States Fish & Wildlife Service, found no evidence that our fluorescent zebrafish pose any more threat to the environment than wild-type zebrafish. If you would like to read the FDA statement regarding our fish, please click here.

Have any other governmental agencies reviewed GloFish® fluorescent fish?
In addition to the Federal review described above, our fish have been reviewed by various state agencies, including the State of Florida Transgenic Aquatic Species Task Force and the California Department of Fish & Game. In accordance with the findings of the FDA, these reviews have concluded that our fluorescent zebrafish are as safe for the environment as wild-type zebrafish. To review their specific analyses, as well as those of independent third party experts, please see the GloFish® Science section of our website.

What will happen if a GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish escapes into the waterways?
Zebrafish are tropical fish and are unable to survive in non-tropical environments. They have been sold to aquarium owners worldwide for more than fifty years. Despite all these years of widespread distribution, zebrafish are only found in tropical environments, such as their native India. At the same time, please remember that GloFish® fluorescent fish are intended for use as aquarium fish only, and should never be intentionally released into the wild.

What if a GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish is eaten in the wild by another animal?
For an animal in the wild, eating a fluorescent zebrafish is the same as eating any other zebrafish. Their fluorescence is derived from a gene that is already found in nature and is completely safe for the environment. Just as eating a blue fish would not turn a predator blue, eating a fluorescent fish will not make a predator fluoresce.

Can humans eat GloFish?
GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish, like all ornamental fish, are not intended for human consumption. Accordingly, GloFish should not be eaten.

How can buying GloFish help in the fight against pollution?
Fluorescent zebrafish have already existed for several years and were originally developed to help fight pollution. By marketing these fish, we will allow people to have their own fluorescent fish while promoting the beneficial scientific goals behind their development. In fact, a portion of the proceeds from sales will go directly to the lab where these fish were created in order to further their research—research we hope will help to protect the environment and save lives.

Caring for GloFish®

Are GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish freshwater fish or saltwater fish?
Like any other zebrafish, GloFish® fluorescent zebrafish are freshwater fish. They should not be placed in a saltwater environment.

Where can I find detailed information about GloFish® fluorescent fish?
In general, guidelines for maintaining a happy and healthy GloFish® fluorescent fish can be found on our GloFish® Care page. Another great general resource for detailed care information about zebrafish is this web site. Remember, our fish are cared for in the exact same way as non-fluorescent zebrafish, so this resource will directly apply to our fish.

Who can I talk with regarding specific questions about my GloFish® fluorescent fish?
If you have specific questions about your particular fish that are not answered in either of the web sites noted above (including concerns about odd behavior and possible illness) the best suggestion we can offer would be to contact your local fish store. They are almost always the best resource for fish-specific questions.

Is my GloFish® fluorescent fish pregnant?
Aside from their color, fluorescent zebrafish are the same as other zebrafish in every way. This includes everything from general care and temperature preferences to growth rate and life expectancy. Accordingly, all females will carry unfertilized eggs upon reaching maturity, resulting in a "pregnant' look.

How can I distinguish between males and females?
Males are longer and more slender around the stomach, while females have a rounded, whitish looking stomach, and carry unfertilized eggs upon reaching maturity. This will often result in a "pregnant" look.

What types of fish are GloFish® compatible with?
Like non-fluorescent zebrafish, our fish are community fish and will "play well" with other fish. However, not all fish are this way, so we generally advise that people check with their local retailer for specific information on whether their existing fish can peacefully co-exist with fluorescent zebrafish. Alternatively, for a partial, but still significant, listing of other community fish, please click here. Please note that zebrafish are listed on this page as “Zebra Danio”.

What should I do if my fish is acting funny?
Like any other animals, fish are individuals with their own unique “personalities”. While their actions may sometimes seem strange to us, there is a relatively wide variety of behaviors that zebrafish can normally display. However, if you have any doubts as to whether your fish’s behavior is normal, please do not hesitate to contact your local fish store, as they are a fantastic resource for fish specific questions.

Properly Displaying GloFish®

Please visit the GloFish display section of our website for more information about the best way to 'Experience the Glo™' of GloFish.

Where to Purchase GloFish®

Where can I buy GloFish® fluorescent fish?
GloFish® fluorescent fish are sold in retail locations across the country. Please click here to visit our GloFish store locator. Because inventories change relatively frequently, please check with your local retailer for details on availability and pricing.

What colors of GloFish® fluorescent fish are currently available?
Our fish are currently available in Starfire Red™, Sunburst Orange™, and Electric Green™. If you would like to see spectacular photos of all three lines together please visit our GloFish® Photos page.

Why are GloFish® the only fluorescent fish that can be sold in the United States?
Because fluorescent fish are unique, their sale is covered by a substantial number of patents and pending patent applications. The providers of GloFish® fluorescent fish, 5-D Tropical and Segrest Farms, are the only distributors that have the necessary licenses to produce and market fluorescent fish within the United States. The production of fluorescent fish by any other party, or the sale of any fluorescent fish not originally distributed by 5-D Tropical or Segrest Farms, is strictly prohibited. For additional information regarding GloFish® fluorescent fish license details please click here.

Are GloFish® fluorescent fish available outside of the United States?
GloFish® fluorescent fish are currently available for purchase only within the United States. We have no plans to ship our fish to other countries at this time, but we will update this web page if this status changes.

Why can’t I buy GloFish® fluorescent fish in Australia, Canada, or Europe?
At present, Australia, Canada, and Europe prohibit the marketing of any genetically modified organisms, including our tropical fluorescent zebrafish, until they are cleared through an extremely complex and costly review process. For now, due to the time, expense, and uncertainty involved with the approval process, we have no plans to submit an application in either Canada or Europe. We have submitted an application in Australia, although we do not have any indication of how long the approval process may last, or what the outcome will be. Please continue to monitor our website for any updates on availability in these areas.

Who can I contact about wholesale opportunities?
For more information about becoming a wholesale or retail provider of our fish, please send us a message through our Contact Page, and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

GloFish® Marketing and Media

Where can I find some photos of GloFish for my publication?
Please feel free to use any of the photos posted on our GloFish® Photos Page. Please credit the photos to or simply It is not necessary to contact us for specific permission.

Who can I contact regarding museum or other exhibition displays?
If you are interested in displaying our fish in a public exhibition, we would love to hear from you. Please send us a message through our Contact Page, and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

For more detailed information on the science behind GloFish® fluorescent fish, please visit our GloFish® Science section.

GloFish Ethics

We realize that the enormous potential of genetic technology carries with it an important responsibility. To help ensure that we use this technology appropriately, we are dedicated to the guiding ethical principles outlined in the GloFish ethics section of our website.

GloFish® in California

You may be wondering why GloFish® fluorescent fish are allowed everywhere in the United States except California.

As many people know, our fish received a positive recommendation from the California Department of Fish and Game in November 2003, and the California Fish & Game Commission voted to move forward with the process of exempting our fish from their ban on biotech aquatic organisms in April 2004. However, we were subsequently advised by Commission attorneys that state law in California would require the completion of a formal ecological review to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act before the Commission could move forward with the approval process. Unfortunately, this review would be extremely expensive, involve procedural uncertainty, and likely take several years to complete.

Due to the excessive cost and time involved in that process, as well as the uncertainty, we have decided not to engage the review. We regret this situation, but unfortunately cannot afford, at this time, to make the enormous investment necessary to perhaps be able to market our fish in California.

If you would like to contact the Commission to make your voice heard regarding this issue, please visit their website at, or contact them directly by phone at (916) 653-4899, by fax at (916) 653-5040, or by email at

Senin, 30 Juni 2008

Magnolia virginiana

The Sweetbay magnolia (Magnolia virginiana), also called just Sweetbay, is a member of the magnolia family, Magnoliaceae. It was the first magnolia to be scientifically described, and is the type species of the genus Magnolia; as Magnolia is also the type genus of all flowering plants, this species can be seen to typify all flowering plants.
Sweetbay magnolia is a deciduous or evergreen tree to 30 m tall, native to the southeastern United States. Whether it is deciduous or evergreen depends on climate; it is evergreen in areas with milder winters in the south of its range, and is semi-evergreen or deciduous further north. The leaves are alternate, simple (not lobed or pinnate), with entire margins, and 6-12 cm long, 3-5 cm wide. The flowers are creamy white, 8-14 cm diameter, with 6-15 tepals. The fruit is a fused aggregate of follicles, 3-5cm long, pinkish-red when mature, with the follicles splitting open to release the 1cm long seeds. The seeds are black but covered by a thinly fleshy red coat, which is attractive to some fruit-eating birds; these swallow the seeds, digest the red coating, and disperse the seeds in their droppings. The bark is smooth and gray, with the inner bark mildly scented, the scent reminiscent of the bay laurel spice.

It is an attractive tree for parks and large gardens, grown for its large, conspicuous, and scented flowers, for its clean, attractive foliage, and for its fast growth.
In horticulture, the Sweetbay Magnolia has been hybridized with a number of species within subgenus Magnolia. These species include M. globosa, M. grandiflora, M. insignis, M. macrophylla, M. obovata, M. sieboldii and M. tripetala. Some of these hybrids have been given cultivar names and registered by the Magnolia Society.

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